Total Blocking Time (TBT)

If you are running a website, it is important to stay on top of your total blocking time (TBT). Your total blocking time is the amount of time it takes for a page to load from the time a user requests it. It is an important metric for website performance, and if your TBT is too high, it can lead to a poor user experience, higher bounce rates, and a loss of potential customers.

Table of Contents Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Many webmasters and web developers overlook total blocking time when it comes to website performance. But if you want to optimize your website and keep users engaged, it is important to pay attention to your TBT. In this article, we explore what total blocking time is, what a good TBT score is, and how to reduce your total blocking time and get the best performance out of your website.

What is considered a good TBT score?

A good total blocking time score is generally considered to be less than 500 milliseconds (ms). This means that your page should load in less than half a second. Any higher than that and it could start to affect your user experience. It is also important to note that the lower the TBT, the better the performance.

If your total blocking time is higher than 500 ms, it is best to take steps to reduce it as soon as possible. It is also important to remember that different websites have different needs and may need different levels of optimization.

Steps to reduce your total blocking time

There are several steps you can take to reduce your total blocking time. The first step is to optimize your web page code. This means removing unnecessary code, compressing your images, and reducing the number of redirects on your website.

You can also reduce your total blocking time by optimizing your server configuration. This includes optimizing your caching strategy, enabling Gzip compression, and optimizing your database queries. Additionally, you can reduce your TBT by enabling a content delivery network (CDN) and optimizing your JavaScript and CSS.

Optimizing your workflow

In addition to optimizing your code and server configuration, it is important to optimize your workflow. This means using a task-management system to help you organize and prioritize tasks. It also means using automation tools to help streamline processes and reduce time spent on mundane tasks.

Using automation tools can also help you identify and address bottlenecks in your workflow. This can help you reduce your total blocking time by reducing the amount of time it takes for tasks to be completed.

Tracking and evaluating your TBT score

Once you have implemented the steps above, it is important to track and evaluate your total blocking time. This can be done using a performance monitoring tool such as New Relic or Pingdom. These tools will enable you to track your total blocking time and identify areas where it needs to be improved.

You should also use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track user engagement and determine how your total blocking time is affecting your website performance. Analytics tools can also help you identify areas where your total blocking time needs to be improved.

Improving your TBT score

Once you have identified areas where your total blocking time needs to be improved, it is important to take steps to reduce it. This includes optimizing your code, optimizing your server configuration, and optimizing your workflow.

You can also use tools such as Google PageSpeed to help you improve your total blocking time. These tools can help you identify areas where your code needs to be optimized and provide recommendations for improvement.

Benefits of reducing total blocking time

The benefits of reducing your total blocking time are numerous. It can improve your website performance and user experience, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversions. It can also help you increase your search engine rankings, as search engines such as Google prioritize websites with faster page load times.

Reducing your total blocking time can also help you save money. This is because faster page load times can lead to lower hosting costs and fewer server resources being used.

Common mistakes to avoid

When optimizing your website, it is important to avoid common mistakes. This includes not optimizing your code, not enabling Gzip compression, and not optimizing your database queries. Additionally, it is important to avoid using too many redirects and not optimizing your JavaScript and CSS.

It is also important to avoid using too many plugins and not using a content delivery network (CDN). Finally, it is important to avoid using too many images and videos and not optimizing your images.

Strategies to maintain a good TBT score

Once you have reduced your total blocking time, it is important to maintain a good score. This can be done by monitoring your total blocking time and implementing the steps mentioned above.

It is also important to regularly review your website performance and make any necessary changes. This could include optimizing your code, optimizing your server configuration, or optimizing your workflow. Additionally, it is important to use analytics tools to identify areas where your total blocking time needs to be improved.

Finally, it is important to use a performance monitoring tool to track your total blocking time and identify areas where it needs to be improved. This will help you maintain a good TBT score and ensure that your website performance is optimal.

Get a Free Audit to Reduce Your Total Time Blocking

If you are looking to reduce your total blocking time, it is important to get a free audit from a performance optimization expert. This will help you identify areas where your total blocking time needs to be improved and give you specific recommendations for improvement.

We offer a free performance audit that can help you identify areas where your total blocking time needs to be improved. We will also provide you with specific recommendations for improvement and help you optimize your website for optimal performance.

Speed Up Your Total Blocking Time on Your Website Today! Get a free audit from us and start optimizing your website performance today.